
There are THREE (3) levels of Coxswain

Coxswain Grade 3

Click the Coxswain 3 menu (top left) or scroll below for more info.

Coxswain Grade 2

Click the Coxswain 2 menu (top left), or scroll below for more info.

Coxswain Grade 1

Click the Coxswain 1 menu (top left), or scroll below for more info.


You do three (3) units that are actually part of the Coxswain 2 and Coxswain 1 course.

So when you complete Coxswain Grade 3, you are actually completing part of the higher levels.

  • MARN008 – Apply seamanship skills aboard a vessel up to 12 metres
  • MARK007 – Handle a vessel up to 12 metres
  • MARI003 – Comply with regulations to ensure safe operation of a vessel up to 12 metres

You study Theory by Correspondence, we send you a boxed Kit.

Then finish it with a full day that is a Theory exam and also doing the Practical (which is both training and assessment). You get very detailed notes of all steps before the practical.

We walk you through it, and tell you what to learn and what to know etc.

TIME: Takes about a week self study, plus 1 day Exams and Practical.

COST: Latest cost is on;

OTHER: You will need internet access, your own copy (digital or hard copy) of Australian Boaters Manual, plus a Commercial vessel (our vessels are available for a reduced cost hire at Woodman Point) for the final practical.

See the full course page for all detailed and current information.


Once you have completed the above 3 units, you can do the below 5 units to get the Coxswain Ticket Grade 2.

People who haven’t done the above 3, will need to do them, plus these below 5 for the Coxswain Grade 2, i.e. 8 units in total for Coxswain 2.

  • MARC037 – Operate inboard and outboard motors
  • MARF027 – Apply basic survival skills in the event of vessel abandonment
  • MARF028 – Follow procedures to minimise and fight fires on board a vessel
  • MARF029 – Meet work health and safety requirements
  • MARJ006 – Follow environmental work practices

TIME: Takes most people about 3 weeks at home, plus 1 days Exams and Practical.

COST: Costs change to see the latest costs on the main website.

OTHER: You will need internet access, your own copy (digital or hard copy) of Australian Boaters Manual, plus a Commercial vessel (our vessels are available for a reduced cost hire at Woodman Point) for the practical

See the full course page for all detailed and current information.

Coxswain Grade 1

You can do all the above 8 units and get the Coxswain Grade 2, you can then progress to the Coxswain Grade 1 units at a later stage by doing these next 4 units;

  • MARB027 – Perform basic servicing and maintenance of main propulsion unit and auxiliary systems
  • MARC038 – Operate main propulsion unit and auxiliary systems
  • MARH013 – Plan and navigate a passage for a vessel up to 12 metres
  • MARF030 – Survive at sea using survival craft

PLUS: You will need to provide a statement of attainment for HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

TIME: Takes about 4 weeks (all 12 units), plus 1-2 days Exams and Practical.

COST: Costs change, so look at the main Coxswain Website for latest cost.

GOVT: Oral assessment, Sea Time plus certificate costs – see DoT website for current costs and AMSA link for Guidance info

OTHER: You will need internet access, your own copy (digital or hard copy) of Australian Boaters Manual, plus a Commercial vessel (our vessels are available for a reduced cost hire at Woodman Point) for the practical.

See the full course page for all detailed and current information.

There is also now an in water component, students of the Grade 1 and Grade 2 have to swim 50m with lifejackets, demonstrate that they can don a jacket in the water etc. Grade 3 students dont need to swim.


All grades of Coxswain can operate a boat up to 12m (just under 40ft). This size boat includes most tourism boats, fishing charters, jet boats and tour boats, ferries and almost all work boats used in Eco work, Whale, Dolphin and Turtle Research as well as marine construction.

The boat you can operate as a Coxswain depends on where the boat goes, and what it does. So there are 3 different grades of Coxswain that step up and increase what you can do and where you can go.

Grade 3 is the lowest grade, which is mostly for boats in a Marina and close to shore. Grade 2 is restricted in that you must stay in sheltered waters and stay within 3nm of point of departure. Motors can only be up to 100kw (130hp) if they are inboard.  

Grade 1 is the highest level and that will allow you to operate in inshore waters (i.e. inland waters and waters within 15nm of the shore) and with an inboard motor of up to 500kw (670HP) or unlimited size outboard engines.